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Research report on the development of automobile pipeline industry in 2022-2026
Source: | Author: Anna Qu | Publish date: 2023-02-03 | 571 views | Share:
Research report on the development of automobile pipeline industry in 2022-2026

The automobile pipeline refers to the tubular parts such as hoses, hard pipes, wire harnesses and cables that link various functional parts. Its function is to transfer various media (such as force, oil, current and gas) between the functional parts, so as to ensure that the components achieve their due functions and enable the whole vehicle to run safely and smoothly.

Automobile pipeline: it can be divided into rubber pipe, plastic pipe and metal pipe according to the materials used. According to the automotive industry standards, it can be classified by air intake system, cooling system, fuel system, transmission system, steering system, braking system and other automotive pipelines.

Rubber hose is generally called rubber hose, which is currently the most widely used category in automobile pipeline system. In terms of use, automotive rubber pipes are divided into low-pressure pipes, high-pressure pipes and oil-resistant pipes. Low-pressure pipes are mainly used in cooling systems, and high-pressure pipes are used in brake hydraulic systems and other working environments with pressure. The resistant oil pipe is used for the fuel supply system.

China's automobile air conditioning pipeline industry is one of the sub-industries that started relatively late in the automobile parts industry. Before the 1980s and 1990s, the automobile air conditioning pipeline mainly depended on foreign imports, and domestic enterprises also basically drew on and imitated foreign technologies in terms of technical standards and manufacturing technologies. In the 1980s and 1990s, European and American automobile enterprises such as Volkswagen of Germany and Citroen of France entered the Chinese market through joint ventures, bringing a good opportunity for the development of domestic automobile air conditioning pipeline enterprises. With the gradual localization of automobile parts, the domestic automobile air conditioning pipeline industry has gradually mastered the key process and test technology of automobile air conditioning pipeline manufacturing after more than 10 years of digestion and absorption of international advanced technology, Import substitution has been realized.

As the largest product in the automotive pipeline market, automotive hose is closely related to the automotive industry. Compared with developed countries, China's automobile industry started relatively late, but as one of the national pillar industries, China's automobile industry has developed rapidly with the support of national industrial policies and the rapid growth of automobile production and sales, and has become the world's largest automobile production and sales country. In the future, as China's economy continues to maintain stable growth, people's income level will continue to increase, China's potential car consumption demand is still huge, and car consumption is still in the "first just need consumption" stage. From the international horizontal comparison of GDP per capita and car ownership, China's automobile market still has great growth potential in the medium and long term. It is expected that with the acceleration of new industrialization and urbanization and the development of overseas emerging automobile markets, China's automobile production will still maintain a steady growth. According to the Medium and Long Term Development Plan of the Automobile Industry, the automobile production will reach about 30 million and is expected to reach about 35 million in the future.

This article is reproduced from: http://www.chinamrn.com/baogao/20220807/2673.html

Hangzhou Xianlue recently updated and released the 2022-2026 Research Report on the Development of the Automobile Pipeline Industry. The 2022-2026 Research Report on the Development of the Automobile Pipeline Industry mainly analyzes the market situation of the rubber pipe, plastic pipe, metal pipe and other segmented products, and makes a scientific prediction on the future development trend of the automobile pipeline industry.

According to the United Nations statistical data, the top ten countries with the United Nations code of 400911 (the code of auto hose) have exported 716 million US dollars in total, of which China ranks the fourth with 119 million US dollars, accounting for 16.59%. China's auto hose products are already highly competitive in the international market.

The technical level of domestic automotive hose products has been continuously improved, and the replacement of imported automotive hose has been gradually realized. Under the support and guidance of a series of policies such as "Made in China 2025", "Research on the Development Strategy of China's Rubber Industry Power", "Outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan for the Development of China's Rubber Industry", "Medium and Long-term Development Plan for the Automobile Industry", the technical level of domestic high-end automotive hose is expected to be significantly improved, This will greatly enhance the competitive position of domestic automotive hose in the international market, and bring greater growth space for domestic automotive hose products.

In the former domestic auto hose industry, the market competition is fierce, especially in recent years, the rapid development of China's auto industry has provided a huge market opportunity for auto parts manufacturers all over the world. Foreign auto hose manufacturers have joined the competition in the domestic auto hose market, and the industry competition is increasingly intensified. Foreign-funded automobile hose manufacturers mainly include French Hutchinson Company, American Parker-Hannifen Company, German ContiTech Company, Sumitomo Corporation of Japan, Toyota Synthetic Company of Japan, etc. Half of the production of high-end automobile hose market comes from foreign enterprises, and most of the market share of high-end and luxury automobile hose is occupied by foreign enterprises. At the same time, some professional automobile hose manufacturers in China have gradually grown up, These enterprises have gradually become the backbone of the automotive hose industry due to their relatively adaptive market competition.

From the perspective of the overall structure of the industry, domestic auto hose enterprises have formed three echelons: the first echelon is foreign-funded enterprises, which control the high-end auto hose market; The second tier is domestic listed enterprises, such as Chuanhuan Technology, Pengling Shares, Meichen Ecology, etc., and non-listed enterprises with a certain scale, such as Tianpu Shares, Ningbo Fengmao, Shanghai Shangxiang, Nanjing Lide, etc., which have become domestic leading enterprises, with obvious scale effect, and are in a favorable position in the further improvement of industry concentration in the future; The third tier is a large number of small auto hose enterprises, which are small in scale and need to be further improved in terms of production capacity, process technology and product quality.