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Five thousand passenger cars of JAC Group will be sent to the United Arab Emirates
Source: | Author: Jane Wang | Publish date: 2022-11-24 | 603 views | Share:

Five thousand passenger cars of JAC Group will be sent to the United Arab Emirates

Recently, JAC Group announced that the first batch of 5,000 passenger cars are ready to be shipped to the United Arab Emirates and enter the Gulf market. Since JAC Group officially entered the UAE market in 2013, the UAE has become a very important overseas strategic market for JAC Group.

Currently in the united Arab emirates markets, jiang steam J7 (domestic jianghuai jia yue A5 | inquiry (parameters)) listed pin made a month in a year more than one hundred units, the car is the collinear production of jianghuai public's first car, positioning for compact cars.

With the radiation and influence ability of the UAE market, JAC Group's influence in the Gulf region has been spread. At present, a number of models have been put on sale in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain and other countries, opening a new journey for Chinese auto brands overseas.