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The exchange of driving licenses between the mainland and Macao will take effect on May 16
Source: | Author: Jane Wang | Publish date: 2023-05-19 | 513 views | Share:

The exchange of driving licenses between the mainland and Macao will take effect on May 16

In order to promote exchanges and development between Guangdong and Macao, the Ministry of Public Security and the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region signed the Agreement on Mutual Recognition and Renewal of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses between the Mainland and Macao in February this year, realizing mutual recognition and renewal of Motor Vehicle driving licenses from the Mainland and Macao. The agreement takes effect on May 16, 2023.

According to the agreement, the Mainland and Macao recognize the valid driving licenses issued by the other party, and one party allows the holders of the other party's driving licenses to directly drive or change their driving licenses without taking tests. Mutual recognition of the driver's license to drive including small cars and small automatic cars. Macao permanent residents can directly apply for the corresponding Mainland driving license without taking the test by holding the official Macao driving license that is qualified for driving, as well as the original identity certificate, physical condition certificate and photo. Mainland driving license holders who meet the requirements for permitted driving type can directly drive specified types of vehicles with mainland paper driving licenses within 14 days after entering Macao, and there is no need to change the Macao driving license; Those who need to continue driving after entering the country for more than 14 days can directly drive the specified vehicle type in Macao within one year after registration with the Traffic Department of Macao Public Security Police Station. Within the validity period of one year, they can enter Macao for several times and drive without re-registration.

The mutual recognition and renewal of driving licenses between the mainland and Macao will directly benefit people traveling and visiting relatives from the mainland and Macao, make it easier for residents of the mainland and Macao to travel by car, and promote exchanges and development between the mainland and Macao. Recently, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security issued a special notice, requiring local public security traffic management departments to strictly implement the provisions of the agreement, carefully review the data, optimize the service of handling certificates, and ensure that the mutual recognition and exchange work is carried out in accordance with the law, standard, convenient and efficient.

An official of the Ministry of Public Security introduced that the mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region have already realized the mutual recognition and renewal of driving licenses. The mutual recognition and renewal of driving licenses between the mainland and Macao will greatly facilitate the movement of residents in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and is of great significance to the development of the Greater Bay Area. In the next step, the Ministry of Public Security will actively guide local traffic control departments to do a good job of mutual recognition and renewal of driving licenses between the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, and further facilitate the driving of residents in the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao.